Audio for reading text
1) The online platforms are The Open University and MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)
2) 1. F 2. T 3 .T 4. T 5. F
3) 1. No, he didn't.
2. He found it in a magazine
3. It means Massive Open Online Course.
4. She was finishing her Business Studies diploma.
5. Because she could do it while studying.
6. She can't communicate in person with her coursemates.
B) Listening activities (page 40): Exercises 1-6
Audio for Exercise 2
Audio for Exercises 3 and 4 (Attention there is an error: It is not "Laura". It is "Julia" (written we find "Laura", but they say "Julia")
Vocabulary: to agree with somebody = estar d'acord amb algú.
C) Speaking activities (page 41): 1-4 + Write your own dialogue for the oral test.
Audio for exercises 1 and 2.
-----> Send all activities done and any doubts to my email
You can add them on an attached document or image before your next lesson, when I will add a new blog post for you with:
- the self-correction sheets for these activities and
- the new contents and activities for the next lesson.
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